Inline Skating History

Patins Blog - The invention of the wheel to get skates onorofwaycurious. In 1750, a Belgian named Joseph MeRLIN had the idea to build skates that could walk on the ground as well as ice skates slipped on the ice.

Patins Blog - After several experiments, Merlin managed to create skates with wheels, with only one wheel on each foot.So that the invention was complete, the inventor decided to make a triumphal presentation to show his work to local society. He was a violinist and wanted to get into a party slipping into your skates and playing the violin at the salon. And that's exactly what he did: at a party, he put on his invention and entered the hall, playing his violin.

If nothing else the difficulty of balancing on one skate of this type that did not even have brakes, Merlin was not a great skater. Of course, the first skater on wheels of history could not stop falling on a very expensive mirror, breaking it with his violin.

Despite being an interesting idea, skates did not become popular quickly. However, many anonymous inventors began to work the idea of ??improving it Merlin. Its aim is to make sure skates and easy to use.

The first to patent the new roller skates was M. The Petitbled in France in 1819 and then in 1823, Robert John Tyers patented model "Rollito."In the patent document, the "Rollito" was described as a "device with wheels attached to shoes, boots or other element that covers the foot, with the purpose of the need for travel and leisure." The "Rollito" was done with five wheels that were fixed immediately in a straight line called the attention of the public, and since then has continued to become more sophisticated. patins antigos

Despite calling the public's attention, it took some time until the skates on wheels actually won the popular taste. In Germany, for example, it was only accepted in 1840. At the time, the store attracts customers, putting boys and girls on roller skates to serve them.

From 1863, with all the improvements that were introduced gradually, the skates were becoming more like those currently called traditional skates (with two pairs of parallel wheels on each foot), or "quad" as they are popularly called in the U.S. Since that time several skating rinks in the United States became the meeting point of many people and races took place and lively dances on skates.

Currently the traditional skates are quite sophisticated and can a top-tier equipment costing the equivalent of several thousand dollars. Its use is more frequent in competitions both nationally and internationally in countries like USA, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Australia, China Argentina and Brazil.

The most commonly used and known skates are inline skates or inline skates(With three, four or more wheels in a straight line) which in addition to the attention of young children, is considered an alternative means of transport.